Denton Felony DWI Lawyer

Denton Felony DWI Attorney

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Denton County and are facing charges for a felony offense as a result, then you are likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure of your next steps. It is vital that you protect your rights and start planning your defense. Felony DWI charges can lead to serious criminal penalties, including exorbitant fines and long periods of time in prison. A Denton felony DWI lawyer from The Law Office of Earl Dobson can help you fight back.

Earl Dobson worked for over a decade as the Chief Felony Prosecutor for the Denton County District Attorney’s Office. He is well acquainted with the functioning of the Denton County District courts and the associated tactics used to prosecute and incriminate defendants of felony DWI cases. Our law firm leverages this local knowledge and experience to optimize defense strategies for clients who are working to resist their felony DWI charges.

Understanding Felony DWI Charges in Texas

DWI charges are typically characterized as misdemeanors. However, there are certain aggravating conditions that can escalate a case to be charged as a felony. Relevant factors that determine whether or not a DWI case will be charged as a felony include the criminal history of the defendant, the determined blood alcohol levels, and whether or not there were severe associated damages or injuries. Felony DWI offenses include the following:

  • Intoxication Assault
    Intoxication assault occurs when a person suffers “serious bodily harm” during an accident caused by an individual who is driving under the influence. This charge is a third-degree felony. “Serious bodily injury” is considered to be harm that threatens the life of an accident victim or results in permanent disfigurement or impairment. If the injury caused is determined to be a traumatic brain injury that led to a permanent vegetative state, then this becomes a felony of the second degree.
  • Intoxication Manslaughter
    Intoxication manslaughter is a serious felony crime that applies when a person dies in an accident caused by an individual who is operating a motor vehicle under the influence. This felony crime is considered to be a felony of the second degree.
  • DWI With a Child Passenger
    Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs with a child who is of the age of 14 or younger in the vehicle is considered to be a state jail felony in Texas.
  • Previous DWI Offenses
    If an individual is prosecuted for a DWI crime in Texas and has previously been convicted of intoxication manslaughter, then they will automatically face a third degree felony. If the defendant has been convicted of other DWI crimes twice before, then they will be facing automatically third-degree felony charges.
  • Harm of a Public Servant If an intoxication assault case involves an on-duty firefighter or emergency medical services individual, then the crime is classified as a felony of the second degree. If the case involved a judge or peace officer on duty as a victim of “serious bodily harm” as a result of a drunk driving accident, then the defendant will face charges of a felony of the first degree.
  • Death Of Public Servant If an emergency medical services personnel, a firefighter, a judge, or a peace officer who is discharged in active duty is killed as a result of another person’s driving while intoxicated, then this is categorized as a felony of the first degree.

Felony DWI charges can be difficult to classify, as the severity of the charges has multiple influential factors, including the profession of the victims of the alleged crime and the existing criminal history of the defendant. A passionate and knowledgeable felony DWI attorney from The Law Office of Earl Dobson can help you understand the charges you are facing and work to get your penalties ultimately minimized.

What Are the Potential Criminal Penalties for a Felony DWI in Texas?

Felony DWI crimes can range in classification from a third-degree felony to a first-degree felony, with first-degree felonies being the most severe classification. Having a felony on your criminal record also has associated collateral consequences that can impact your access to professional, educational, and housing-related opportunities and influence your ability to participate in civic processes.

A DWI crime classified as a state jail felony will result in time spent in state jail ranging from a minimum of 180 days to 2 years, in addition to a maximum fine of $10,000. A third-degree felony can result in prison time ranging from 2 to 10 years and a maximum fine of $10,000. Second-degree felony DWI crimes result in 2 to 20 years in prison with a maximum fine of $10,000. First-degree felony crimes can result in a sentence of between 5 to 99 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000.

It’s important to note that felony DWI convictions do not allow the defendant to be sentenced to alternative forms of punishment like probation or community service. There are mandatory minimum sentences that must be served following a felony DWI conviction. The amount of time that you may have your license revoked is dependent on the judge overseeing your case, as well as the civil penalties that have been imposed upon you.

Felony defendants could potentially have their driver’s license revoked permanently or be required to install an ignition interlock device at their own expense in order to operate their motor vehicle. An experienced Felony DWI defense lawyer from The Law Office of Earl Dobson can help you fight back against these severe charges, allowing you to preserve your rights and reputation.

Get a Denton Felony DWI Lawyer on Your Side Today

Felony DWI charges in Denton, Texas can potentially have a serious impact on your life, ranging from years in prison to thousands of dollars in fines. A knowledgeable DWI felony lawyer from The Law Office of Earl Dobson understands that the stakes are high and has significant experience in the field, allowing for the construction of a formidable defense strategy that will optimize your case outcomes. Get in contact with our criminal defense legal team today to get started discussing your case.


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