Denton Prostitution Lawyer

Denton Prostitution Attorney

Finding yourself arrested for criminal conduct due to participating in prostitution can be embarrassing and life-changing. Not only are you potentially facing criminal charges, including serving prison time, but you will likely hurt all your close relationships, your reputation, and your future. If you are facing criminal allegations for prostitution, you need the help of a Denton prostitution lawyer.

Best Denton Prostitution Lawyer

Is Prostitution Legal in Texas in 2024?

Prostitution is illegal in Texas as of 2024. Laws regarding prostitution have changed over the years as a way of preventing sex trafficking, giving harsher punishments to those who have committed sex crimes and actively have been involved in prostitution.

What Is Prostitution in Texas?

According to the Texas penal code, there are several offenses that fall under crimes related to public indecency. Prostitution is defined as an offense involving a person who purposefully provides or accepts money in exchange for sexual acts. It is also considered a prostitutional offense to pay another person to participate in sexual acts with either the person who paid for the exchange or another person.

Solicitation of Prostitution

If a person is found soliciting prostitution from another individual in a public space, then that person may face prostitution charges. It is important to note that one does not have to engage in sexual acts in exchange for pay to be charged with an offense. The act of soliciting prostitution alone is enough to warrant an arrest. This is where the assistance of a solicitation attorney in TX can be beneficial.

Promotion of Prostitution

Promoting prostitution, which can also be referred to as pimping, is a criminal offense. This involves one person arranging for a second person to participate in sexual acts with a third party in exchange for payment. It can also include an individual receiving payment for agreeing to participate in sexual acts for money.

Compelling Prostitution

This kind of offense is especially dangerous, as it involves children under the age of 18. It involves an individual forcing a child under 18 to participate in prostitution. Any person who knowingly does this can still be charged with this offense, even if they claim that they did not know the actual age of the child.

How Are Prostitution Charges Classified?

Many revisions have been made to prostitution laws in Texas over the years. These changes were made to enact more severe penalties for those who have been charged with sex crimes involving prostitution. At present, prostitution charges are classified as follows:

  • Class B misdemeanors. If you have been arrested for committing a prostitution offense for the first time, you will likely be charged with a Class B misdemeanor.
  • Class A misdemeanor. If you have committed two or three previous prostitution offenses, then you will be charged with a Class A misdemeanor.
  • State jail felony. If you have been charged with prostitution four or more times, you will be given a prison sentence. You will also be sent to prison if you are caught soliciting.
  • Third-degree felony. Those who have committed a second offense (or more) of solicitation face being charged with a third-degree felony. The same is also true for those who have promoted prostitution.
  • Second-degree felony. This applies to those who have been charged with soliciting a child under the age of 18 and/or soliciting a child while knowing that they are under 18. Those who have committed more than two offenses of promoting prostitution also face this level of charges.
  • First-degree felony. Pimping a child under the age of 18 opens one up to facing first-degree felony charges. Someone who owns, financially supports, or manages a business that employs prostitutes also risks these charges. Finally, any offender who compels a child under 18 to participate in prostitution will be charged at this level.

Furthermore, if a prostitution-related crime has taken place in a school area, then the penalty would automatically be increased. Areas where this principle applies include school grounds, or within 1,000 feet of one, as well as official school events or within 1,000 feet of the event.

It is important to remember that if you are arrested for a serious felony, you are not required to say anything.

What Defenses Can Be Used Against Prostitution Charges?

Because of the harsher penalties related to prostitution charges, it is highly suggested that you consult a prostitution lawyer to prepare defensive strategies for your case. There are several strategies that a lawyer may use to defend their client.

It is important to protect those who have been charged with prostitution from losing their possessions, such as their vehicles, money, and other valuable assets. If you were charged for engaging in prostitution, one strategy you can use is that you were acting under duress. This means that you were forced to perform sexual acts with someone due to the threat of physical force.

You may also use entrapment as a defense strategy. This means that an officer forced you into performing sexual acts, which is against the law.

Defenses Against Solicitation Charges

If you were charged for soliciting prostitution in Denton, TX , you want to quickly resolve the charges with minimal fanfare. There are several strategies that can be used in your defense. One defense operation is claiming entrapment.

Just as an officer cannot force a prostitute to perform sexual acts, they are also not legally allowed to force you to solicit a prostitute’s services when you typically would not. This is true whether the police officer was working undercover or not. If entrapment can be proven, then your charges may be dropped.

Another defense is insufficient probable cause, meaning that the officer who arrested you cannot prove that you had planned to solicit a prostitute. You also may be able to prove that you were under the influence of alcohol at the time when the alleged solicitation took place.

Consult a Denton Prostitution Lawyer

Being arrested for prostitution is embarrassing and damaging to your reputation. You also may be facing criminal charges, which can result in serving prison time. You will also likely hurt those closest to you. Don’t face criminal charges for prostitution alone. Seek the assistance of a Denton prostitution lawyer. Contact The Law Office of Earl Dobson to discover your legal options.


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